what type of visual effects do you specialise in?

I specialise in 2D digital matte painting and I also enjoy doing concept art too. I like to mix 3D environments with 2D environments but this is not needed all of the time, sometimes 2D is enough.

what advice would you give someone just starting out?

I would probably say the most important thing is to surround yourself with people who inspire you, whether it’s online or in person. Finding Incredible artists who you can look up to, admire and learn a lot from can be an amazing positive influence on your thoughts and will make you want to do well and be the best that you can be. Always remember everyone at some point has worked their way up, you have to start somewhere.

what software do you use?

I use mainly Photoshop, Maya and Nuke. I am experienced in AfterEffects, PremierePro, SpeedTree and have used some Houdini in the past.

where do you get your Inspiration from?

My inspiration can range from real life to artists inspiring me. I find Artstation, linkedIn and instagram a pool of inspiration. Even going on a walk somewhere could inspire you to create a certain environments, when you start training yourself to be inspired by everything around you, the ideas will then follow.

When Did you start digital matte painting?

I started Digital Matte Painting and specialising in environments in early 2020. This was when I started to figure out what I wanted to go into and started to practice and advance my skills.

What should i consider learning if I want to be a digital matte painter?

I think when it comes to environments there is a lot to consider and each environment you will approach differently and knowing the best way to approach it will come with time. I would say knowing lighting, composition, perspective, depth, camera lenses, and how weather effects an environment is essential things to know. I think it’s also important to know you will come across obstacles and may struggle but it’s how you problem solve and get through those obstacles that matters.